Origin Meals, LLC (“Origin Meals”) (and all first person pronouns used herein such as “we” and “our” refer to Origin Meals, LLC as well) knows that you care how information about you is collected and used. We take great pride in the relationships we have developed with our users and customers and we are committed to treating personal information we obtain from you with care and respect. This Online Privacy Policy (“this Policy”) is designed to inform you about our privacy policies and practices. This Policy is part of the Terms of Use published on our sites.

Scope of the Policy

This Policy applies to the personal information we collect when you visit Origin Meals’ web sites. When we use the term “personal information,” we mean information that identifies a particular individual, such as the individual’s name, postal address, e-mail addresses, and telephone number. When other information (such as consumer preferences or demographic information) is directly associated with personal information, this other information is treated as personal information.

Consent to the Policy

By visiting any of our sites, you agree to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information as described in this Policy. If you do not consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information as described in this Policy, then you should not use our sites.

Personal Information We Collect and How We Use It

We collect the following types of personal information through our sites:

Information You Actively Provide.
We collect the personal information you actively provide when you use one of our sites. We use the personal information you provide to deliver the products and services you request, or to process purchases you have made on our sites. Information you provide to us on our sites will be stored in an online profile we create for you, to enable us better to meet your needs and understand your preferences.

Depending on your privacy preferences, we may use your personal information to send you promotional messages and special offers. We also use your personal information for security and fraud prevention purposes to:  understand our guests better; improve our programs, services and sites; and to market and advertise our products and services better.

Information Sent to Us by Your Web Browser.
We collect information that is automatically sent to us by your web browser. This information typically includes your IP address; the name and version of your operating system; the name and version of your browser; the page you were visiting before you accessed our site; and the date and time of your visit. The information we receive depends on the settings of your browser. Please check your browser if you want to learn what information your browser sends or how to change your settings. Generally, we use this information to create statistics that help us improve our sites and make it more compatible with the technology used by our visitors. This information is also used for marketing purposes and to improve your experience on our sites.

We may collect IP addresses for purposes of system administration, to report traffic data to our technology partners, and to audit the use of our sites. Although the information provided by your browser does not identify you personally, this data can be combined with other data to do so. 

Disclosure of Your Personal Information
Origin Meals does not sell your personal information to outside marketers or advertisers. Under limited circumstances we may disclose the personal information we collect with outside parties for specific purposes. Those circumstances are described below along with some of the steps we take to limit the manner in which your personal information is used. 

With Service Providers.
We may share your information with companies that provide support services to us (such as credit card processors, mailing houses, web hosts, or providers of online services) or that help us market our products and services (such as email vendors). These companies may need information about you in order to perform their functions. These companies are only authorized to use the personal information we share with them for the purpose of delivering the service we hire them to provide. In addition, we only disclose the information they need to provide the specific service or function. We will not sell your personal information to third party marketing or advertising firms.

Partner Promotions
We may occasionally feature web pages on which you can register for special promotions or services provided in conjunction with our business partners. When we feature pages like these on our sites, we will give you a clear notice that you are providing information to another party. We may also arrange to send you marketing and promotional information of other reputable companies that we think might be of interest to you, but only if you tell us that you want to receive these sorts of materials. We do not share your personal information with these companies.

In Special Circumstances.
In certain special cases, we may disclose your personal information when we have reason to believe that disclosing this information is necessary to identify, contact or bring legal action against someone who may be causing injury to you, your property or someone else. We may also disclose your personal information when we believe the law requires it, or in response to any demand by law enforcement authorities in connection with a criminal investigation, or civil or administrative authorities in connection with a pending civil case, administrative investigation or investigation conducted by property owners or home owners associations.  

Third-Party Websites

Third-party sites are not covered by this Privacy Policy.

Some sites give you the option of sharing your thoughts, personal information, or experiences automatically on their platforms. If you choose to share information with a third-party site such as Twitter or Facebook, the information you choose to share on those sites is not subject to this Policy. You should review the privacy policies of those websites to make an informed decision about whether to share your information on those sites. Further, you should review your account settings on those sites to ensure that you are comfortable sharing your information with the audience chosen in that account.

Children’s Privacy

We will not knowingly collect personal information on our sites from children under the age of 18 without the prior consent of the child’s parent or guardian.

How We Protect Your Information 

Origin Meals has appropriate physical, technological, and organizational safeguards and security measures in place to attempt to protect against the loss, misuse, unauthorized access or disclosure of your personal information under our control. However, it is important that you understand that no website or database is completely secure, or “hacker proof.” You can help us by protecting and keeping your passwords safe at all times. Also, you can reduce many risks by using up-to-date antivirus software.

Changes to the Policy

We may change this Policy from time to time, by posting the revised version of this Policy on our sites. The changes will only apply to the personal information we collect after we have posted the revised version of this Policy.

We will attempt to notify you of any significant changes to this Policy by sending an email notice. However, it is your responsibility to check our sites for updates as you will be bound by them if you choose to visit our sites. 

Visitors Who Access Our Sites From Outside the United States 

Our sites and databases may be hosted on Web servers located in the United States or other countries.

The sites are governed by U.S. law. If you do not wish to consent to U.S. law or this Policy, you should not share information with us or use ours. 

Effective Date of this Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy was updated on May 28th, 2013, and is effective as of that date.